Tuesday, January 22, 2013

May the Circle be Unbroken

Maj. Gen. James T. Ruebeor was one of my first posts on this site, and from time to time I go back and see just what has happened to these plucky few individual that I have written about.
Maj. Gen. James T. Ruebeor (Ret) must be a cat.  James just keeps landing on his feet, even though the Letter of Reprimand he received in January 2011 did end his active duty career it just took 9 months.  Maj. Gen James T. Ruebeor retired rather quietly no formal announcements, one day here, the next day gone.
I guess that James was just not that promotable with that letter in his 201, and the very limited number of Flag Rank position available, how would CSAF, SECAF and SECDEF explain his promotion, well at least he did not shoot down one our own (like some Navy admiral want a be), granted it would have been extremely difficult if not impossible doing it with a C-5.  No all he did was ruin another officer career, in such a capricious and wanton manner that even the Inspector General of the Air Force was shocked.
Maj. Gen. James T Ruebeor was allowed to retired (rather quietly mind you) with 33 years of service (1978 to 2011) at the rank of Major General, with a before tax retirement salary of 103K$ per year, another year and he could have been bring home 108K$.
He then just dropped off the face of the earth, but not for long.
But rejoice just like Lazareth he has risen, courtesy of SKAB (Sky King Academy Brotherhood), in August 2012 he assumed the position of Deputy Chief of Safety, U.S. Air Force, and Executive Director, Air Force Safety Center, Kirkland AFB, N.M.  I wonder who signed off that.  Good thing this position does require congressional oversight, or maybe it should?
Maybe James could not get a position with a defense contractor?
Guess it was tough living on that retirement pay.  Please do not worry about James, for in addition to his retirement pay, he now draws another salary for the People of the United States some where between 119K$ and 179K$
James T. Ruebeor is now bring home before taxes somewhere between 222K$ and 282K$, he has made it back into the 1 percent club.
That is just amazing.  Only in America, you just have to love this place.  Truth is stranger than Fiction, cannot make the crap up other people just actual do this for real in their every day lives for us.

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